Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water (ICMW)
The Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water (ICMW) is a biennial Conference that brings together Ministers Responsible for Water alongside representatives of relevant OIC institutions and international organizations. The conference covers various water related issues and oversees the progress in implementation of the OIC Water Vision that was adopted in 2012 which identifies the opportunities for promoting collaboration, including exchange of best practices, capacity building and knowledge sharing, among Member States in all aspects of water.
The Conference aims at addressing the importance of water management, water infrastructure and greater access to a safe, reliable and affordable supply of water and adequate sanitation services in improving the living standards, human health and social wellbeing of the Member States. In an effort to help Member States in achieving the OIC-2025 Programme of Action especially the Goal 2.4 “Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability” and water related Sustainable Development Goals, the Conference focuses on strengthening water security in OIC Member States.

4th Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water
14-16 October 2018 | Cairo, Arab Republic Of Egypt

3rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water
17-19 May 2016 | Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye
- Draft Agenda on "Third Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers responsible for Water" (English) (Arabic) (French)
- Draft Agenda on Senior Officials Meeting (English) (Arabic) (French)
- Draft Programme of Work on "Third Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers responsible for Water" (English) (Arabic) (French)
- Draft Programme of Work on Senior Officials Meeting (English) (Arabic) (French)
- Report of the Secretary General on implementation the OIC Water Vision (English) (Arabic) (French)
- Draft Resolution (English)
- Draft Terms of Reference (English)
- Draft Concept Paper (English)
- Concept Note on Panel Discussion on Water Resources Management Capacity Building (English)
- Information Booklet (English)