News & Events from OIC Member States

Workshop on 'Membrane Technologies for Desalination and Wastewater'

Venue : COMSTECH HQ, Islamabad - Pakistan  

SESRIC participated in the Workshop on “Membrane Technologies for Desalination and Wastewater” organized by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) on 26 February 2025 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Over 130 participants from OIC countries, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Senegal, Türkiye, and Yemen participated in workshop.

First Meeting for Networking of Water Centers of Excellence in OIC Member States

Venue : COMSTECH HQ, Islamabad - Pakistan  

SESRIC participated in the First Meeting for Networking of Water Centers of Excellence in OIC Member States organized by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) and OIC General Secretariat on 24-25 February 2025 in Islamabad, Pakistan. SESRIC also provided technical content to enrich the relevant sessions of this meeting.

SUEN (Turkish Water Institution)

Venue : Turkiye  

Project: Water4All “Water Security for the Planet”

Funded by Horizon Europe, SUEN is one of the project partners of the Water4All project which is funded by Horizon Europe. The Project's main purpose is to facilitate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Green Deal objectives by supporting the development of evidence-based policies through international R&D collaborations.

Afghanistan: IsDB-AHTF, UNICEF Partnership Brings Safe Water to Rural Communities in Afghanistan through KSRelief Funding

Venue : Turkiye  

UNICEF and the Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund (AHTF) – mandated by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) - have announced the completion of the project “Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Water Supply Services in Remote Rural Communities” in Afghanistan.

Workshop on ‘Evaluating the Potential of Membrane Technologies for Desalination and Wastewater Recycling in OIC Countries’

Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye  

Within the framework of the Water Resources Management Capacity Building Program (Water-CaB), SESRIC, in collaboration with Turkish Water Institute and Istanbul Technical University organised a workshop on “Evaluating the Potential of Membrane Technologies for Desalination and Wastewater Recycling in OIC Countries” on 31 July – 1 August 2024 through an online video conferencing platform. The workshop brought together 101 experts and executives from the National Water Resources Authorities of 26 OIC countries.

The 6th Session of the Council of Ministers of the Pan-African Inter-Governmental Agency for Water and Sanitation in Africa (EAA)

Venue : Côte d'Ivoire  

This event brings together approximately thirty experts and ministers from the fifteen founding countries of the Pan-African Inter-Governmental Agency for Water and Sanitation in Africa (EAA). It is in the political capital of Côte d'Ivoire, from July 31 to August 2, 2024, for a Council of Ministers of member countries.

Workshop on ‘Water Governance and Integrated Water Management for Lake Chad Basin Countries’

Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara  

Within the framework of the SESRIC Water Resources Management Capacity Building Program (Water-CaB), and in collaboration with the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), the Centre organised a two-day workshop on “Water Governance and Integrated Water Management for Lake Chad Basin Countries”. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance knowledge, skills and increased collaboration among OIC member countries, particularly in water governance and integrated water management in the Lake Chad Basin region.

International Conference Water and Climate, in Fez, Morocco : towards a common commitment

Venue : Morocco  

Over 500 participants from all over the world attended the 3rd edition of the International Conference on Water and Climate (ICWC), held on July 6 and 7 in Fez.

World Water Forum, BALI 2024

Venue : Indonesia  

The World Water Forum is the largest international gathering in the water sector involving various stakeholders, which has been co-hosted by the World Water Council and a host city.

The 4th edition of the National Water and Sanitation Forum in Burkina Faso

Venue : Burkina Faso  

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Sanitation organized the 4th National Water and Sanitation Forum from April 22 to 24, 2024, under the theme “Water: Factor of Resilience, Peace, and Development”.

Cairo Water Week (CWW) 2023

Venue : Cairo-Egypt  

As climate change continues to have profound effects on water resources, it is crucial to prioritize adaptation measures for a sustainable future. Cairo Water Week 2023, taking place from 29 October to 2 November in Cairo, Egypt, aims to address this pressing issue under the theme of “Action on Water Adaptation for Sustainability”. Building on Egypt's pioneering role in climate change adaptation and its successful hosting of the United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 27), the event seeks to foster transboundary cooperation and integrated water management strategies.

Training Workshop on ‘Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management in the OIC Member Countries’

Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye  

Within the framework of its Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB) and in line with the relevant resolutions of the Fourth Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water, SESRIC organised a Training Workshop on “Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management in the OIC Member Countries” on 24-26 January 2023 through an online video conferencing platform.

Training Course on ‘Waste Water Management and Recycling’

Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye  

Within the framework of its Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB) and in line with the relevant resolutions of the 4th Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water, SESRIC, in collaboration with the Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation (ATCT), organised the Training Course on “Waste Water Management and Recycling” on 13-16 June 2022 through an online video conferencing platform.

Training Workshop on ‘Water Monitoring Network and Early Warning System’

Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Turkey  

Within the framework of its Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB), SESRIC, in cooperation with the Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM), organised a Training Workshop on “Water Monitoring Network and Early Warning System” on 16-19 August 2021 through an online video conferencing platform.

5th Arab Water Forum

Venue : Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates  

The series of triennial Arab Water Forum (AWF) is considered as the most important water-related event in the Arab region. The 5th edition of AWF will be convened by the Arab Water Council during the period 7–9 December 2020 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The conference will bring together leaders and key decision-makers of the Arab community together with representatives of relevant Ministries, national, regional and international partners. Water-related issues and challenges that face the Arab region will be discussed at the conference.

The 6th Water Loss Forum & Exhibition

Venue : Istanbul-Turkey  

The Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technology (TSITT) with the support of the General Directorate of Water Management and the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will organize the Sixth Water Loss Forum & Exhibition on 3-4 December 2020 at Istanbul Congress Centre in Istanbul, Turkey.

ASIAWATER 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Venue : Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia  

The 11th edition of ASIAWATER will take place on 30 November-02 December 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ASIAWATER is the leading water and wastewater event in South East Asia with over 2000 local and international brands from 32 countries participating every year. It provides trade opportunities for players from every sector in the water industry to elevate their business further and strengthen networking among each other.

Training Course on ‘Modern Approaches to Improving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency’

Venue : Virtual-SUEN, Istanbul - Turkey  

Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), as the Coordination Office of the Blue Peace in the Middle East, organized an online training course on “Modern Approaches to Improving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency” for the benefit of irrigation experts from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey on 17-19 November 2020.

Training Workshop on ‘Water Governance and Integrated Water Management’ for Lake Chad Basin Countries

Venue : Virtual - N'Djamena - Chad  

Within the framework of SESRIC’s Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB) and the Resolution No. 3/46-E (Part B) on Replenishing of Lake Chad adopted by the 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC, SESRIC and the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) jointly organized a Training Workshop on “Water Governance and Integrated Water Management” on 19-22 October 2020 for the benefit of the national water resource institutions of the Lake Chad Basin countries through an online video conference platform.

Cairo Water Week 2020

Venue : Cairo-Egypt  

The Third Annual Cairo Water Week (CWW) was held from 18 to 22 October 2020 in Cairo, Egypt. “Water Security for Peace and Development in Arid Regions - The Road to Dakar 2021” was the theme for this year's event. CWW is considered one of the biggest water-related events at the national, regional and international levels. It is an annual event organised by the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in collaboration with national, regional and international partners.

Training Course on ‘Integrated Water Resources Management’

Venue : Virtual - Amman - Jordan  

Within the framework of SESRIC’s Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB), SESRIC organized a training course on “Integrated Water Resources Management” on 12-16 October 2020 for the benefit of participants from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan.

5th Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water (ICMW)

Venue : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia  

5th Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible for Water will be held on 05-07 October 2020 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The biennial Conference will bring together Ministers Responsible for Water alongside representatives of the relevant OIC institutions and international organizations.

Training Course on 'Integrated Water Management'

Venue : Nouakchott-Mauritania  

SESRIC will organize a training course on "Integrated Water Management" for the benefit of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation in Nouakchott, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, within the framework of Centre’s OIC Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water- CaB). The course will be conducted by a competent expert from the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water of Kingdom of Morocco. The date of the course remains to be determined.

Training Course on ‘Water Monitoring Network and Early Warning System’

Venue : Dushanbe-Tajikistan  

SESRIC will organise a training course on “Water Monitoring Network and Early Warning System” for the benefit of experts from the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan. The course will be conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches. The date of the course remains to be determined.

Capacity Building Workshop for Young Researchers in Water Policy Studies from Central Asian Countries and Afghanistan

Venue : Dushanbe-Tajikistan  

The capacity-building workshop for young researchers in water policy studies from Central Asian Countries and Afghanistan was organized on 21- 27 July 2019 in Dushanbe, the Republic of Tajikistan. Twelve young researchers in Water Policy Studies from Central Asian Countries namely; Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan participated in seven-day scientific writing course focusing on water resources management and governance issues.

International Conference on “Aral Sea Region – Zone of Environmental Innovations and Technologies”

Venue : Nukus-Uzbekistan  

The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized the International Conference on “Aral Sea Region – Zone of Environmental Innovations and Technologies” on 24-25 October 2019 in Nukus, Uzbekistan. The conference was attended around 250 participants from 28 countries as well as representatives of international organizations, academia, civil society and the private sector.

Training Courses on ‘Design of Wastewater Collection Networks and Groundwater Management and Rainwater Harvesting’ for the benefit of Syrian Experts

Venue : Virtual- Istanbul- Turkey  

Within the framework of the SUEN and the Assistance Coordination Unit’s (ACU) Extensive capacity development program for Syrian water engineers in Water, Sanitation and Irrigation sector, Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) organized two consecutive training courses on “Design of Wastewater Collection Networks and Groundwater Management and Rainwater Harvesting “on 8-12 June and 15-19 June 2020 for the benefit 65 Syrian water experts, who are living in Turkey.

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania to Expand Water Supply Network

Venue : Nouakchott-Mauritania  

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania has launched a project to rehabilitate and extend the national water distribution network in the country's capital, Nouakchott. This project will help to combat the water shortage that has been affecting the country for a considerable time. The overall cost of implementing this project is estimated at $40 million. 

Construction of a Desalination Plant at the Mamelles Site in Dakar, The Republic of Senegal

Venue : Dakar-Senegal  

Drinkable water deficit is expected to surge from 202.017 m3 per day in 2025 to 390.888 m3 per day in 2035 in Dakar, the capital of the Republic of Senegal. Factors like demographic expansion in the capital and the surrounding cities exacerbate the demand for drinkable water. Therefore, it is essential for Dakar to diversify its sources of water supply and thereby prevent future water related crisis.

Isfara River - The River of Friendship

Venue : Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan  

Within the framework of the CAREC “Smart Waters” project, which is a joint project of USAID and the MSDSP project of the Aga Khan Foundation,  a meeting on “Isfara River - the River of Friendship” was organized by the Tajik and Kyrgyz Small Basin Councils of the Isfara River Basin on 05 November 2019 in Isfara, the Republic of Tajikistan.

Training Course on ‘Wastewater Management, Treatment and Technologies’

Venue : Istanbul  

Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) organized a training course on “Wastewater Management, Treatment and Technologies” on 02-06 March 2020 for the benefit of participants from the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Climate Change of Republic of Somalia.

INWRDAM Symposium on “Working Together for a Water-Secure Future”

Venue : Amman, Jordan  

The Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM) conducted a symposium on the theme of “Working Together for a Water-Secure Future” on 09 February 2020 in Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Cooperation Meeting between Palestinian Water Authority and Arab Water Council

Venue : Cairo-Egypt  

A meeting between the Palestinian Water Authority and the Arab Water Council was held in December 2019 in Cairo, Egypt with a view to enhancing cooperation and strengthening the partnership between the two institutions and relevant Arab organizations specialized in the water field.

Round Table Meeting on “Professional Standards in Water Management” in Nur-Sultan, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Venue : Nur-Sultan-Kazakhstan  

The Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan (EC IFAS) held a round table meeting on July 25th, 2019 in Nur-Sultan, the Republic of Kazakhstan to the discuss projects for industry analysis, the sectoral qualifications framework and the list of professional standards in the field of water management. The event was organized by EC IFAS in cooperation with CAREC within the USAID “Smart Waters” project.

Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) 2020

Venue : Uganda  

The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) of the Republic of Uganda in collaboration with Water Resources Institute (WRI) and key partners has so far held the three annual Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) in March 2018, March 2019 and March 2020, respectively. 

Saving the Lake Chad

Venue : Abuja-Nigeria  

As part of the initiatives of restoring the Lake Chad, the International Conference on “Lake Chad” was held on 26-28 February 2018 in Abuja, Nigeria, with the theme "Saving the Lake Chad to revitalize the Basin’s ecosystem for sustainable livelihood, security and development". The Conference was organized by the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), with the support of the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The objective of the Conference was to raise awareness at the international level on the socio-economic and environmental challenges caused by the shrinkage of the Lake Chad, which are resulting into threats and insecurity (UNESCO).