Success Stories and the Initiatives of the OIC Member States
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan |
Kingdom of Morocco |
Gambia |
Republic of Senegal |
Egypt |
Republic of Turkey |
Guinea |
Niger |
Senegal-Togo-Bangladesh-Pakistan |
Republic of Turkey |
United Arab Emirates |
Republic of Cameroon |
Libya |
Burkina Faso |
Located about 50 km from Bobo-Dioulasso, specifically in the Bama department of the Houet province, the Samendeni Dam, constructed on the Mouhoun River, is the third largest dam in Burkina Faso after the Kompienga and Bagré dams, and the largest in the western region. It has a capacity of 1 billion 50 million cubic meters, with a maximum height of 23.9 meters and a length of 2900 meters. |
Senegal |
Launched in Senegal in 2014, the Water and Sanitation Sector Project ends this December 2024. With $15 million in funding from the African Development Fund, the African Development Bank Group’s concessional window and the Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Initiative, the project has helped improve access to drinking water and sanitation for people in the rural areas of Louga, Kaffrine, and Tambacounda and the cities of Dakar and Ziguinchor. |
Uzbekistan |
The ‘National Policy Framework for Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan’ programme was a part of the Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office and co-financed by the European Union. Within this project for Uzbekistan, best European practice based on the EU Water Framework Directive was disseminated. |