Policies and Regulations

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

A Strategic Policy Framework for the Water Sector, Ministry of Irrigation, Water Resources and Environment (MIWRE)

This policy document is an overall framework and intends to guide the Ministry of Irrigation, Water Resources and Environment (MIWRE) in setting general direction for the ministry over the next 20 years. Specifically, it aims to set guidelines for its institutional reform processes, as well as for the implementation of MIWRE’s 12-year strategic plan for 2004- 2015. This document will be used as the basis for the development of several sub-sector policies and strategies, such as Water Resources Management, Irrigation and the Environment. In addition, specific policies, strategies and acts will be developed, as may be required in the near future, including:

  • Water Resources Regulations, including a Water Resource Act, for both the surface and ground water resources;
  • Irrigation Regulations (small and medium community-based, and medium and large-scale public irrigation facilities);
  • National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy; and Hydropower Development Policy
    To view the Policy, please click (English)

Arab Republic of Egypt

ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resources Management

To view the document, please click (English)

Burkina Faso

Water Dams Maintenance and Safety Framework Document

To view Frameworks, please visit (French)

Policy Framework for the Resettlement of the Water Security Project in Burkina Faso

To view the document, please visit (French)

Burkina Faso: National Water Policy (2016-2030)

Adopted in 2015, Burkina Faso's National Water Policy sets the sectoral framework: "By 2030, the country's water resources will be identified and effectively managed to realize the right of universal access to water and sanitation in order to contribute to sustainable development."

The report can be accessed from the link given below: National Water Policy (2016-2030) (French)


Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy

To view the document, please visit (English)


National Water and Sewage Strategic Plan

To view the document, please visit (English)


Water Efficiency Strategy Document and Action Plan in the Framework of Adaptation to the Changing Climate

To view the document, please visit (English)

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Immediate and Long Term Strategies for the Water Sector (2016 –2030)

To view the publication, please click (PDF)

National Water Resources Policy, Federal Ministry of Water Resources

The Policy's main objectives are to foster water resources' integrated management for optimum, sustainable, efficient, and equitable water resources development and management to meet the current and future user water demand, conserve the water quality and protect the environment. Therewithal, to optimize the use of Nation’s water resources at all times, for the present generation without compromising future generations' existence.

To view the Policy, please click (English)

Federal Republic of Somalia

Wash Sector Policy, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources

The Federal Government of Somalia has developed the first ever Somalia National WASH Sector Policy in 2018. The policy anticipates that all people in Somalia will have safe and sufficient water, hygiene and sanitation. The vision of the policy is to create a country where everyone has access to safe drinking water, everyone uses sanitary latrines and all the villages are Open Defecation Free (ODF), practices appropriate hygiene behavior at home, in schools and in the wider community. The National WASH Policy embodies the commitment of the Government to improve the quality of life of Somali population. It provides the framework for WASH sector partners and concerned Ministries to implement WASH-related programs and calls for universal access to Water Supply and Sanitation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To view the Policy, please click (PDF)

National Water Policy Document of the Republic of Benin

Water is an essential element in every aspect of life; hence, it is key to sustainable development. Therefore, the international community, conscious, on the one hand, of the increasing demand on water, and on the other hand, of the shrinking water resources, makes continuous efforts to alter water-related perceptions and attitudes towards more responsible use of these precious resources.

To this end, the Republic of Benin works to ensure sufficient and quality water supply for different uses, while also promoting a more rational, efficient, and sustainable water resources management through its "Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)".

The National Water Policy Document has been approved by all stakeholders active in the water sector such as representatives of public and private actors, NGOs, technical and financial partners, etc. It underlines the main trends and guidelines for water use in different sectors in order to overcome challenges and take actions in terms of planning, mobilizing and developing sustainable water resources with a view to transforming the water sector into a true driver for sustainable development. Therefore, the present document is an essential instrument for enhancing water resources management in Benin.

The National Water Policy Document of Benin analyses water-related problems in terms of management and current uses as well as constraints and advantages in order to generate guidelines and determine strategic intervention priorities by activity areas.

Please click here to access the document.

National Water Policy for Palestine


Agriculture Water Services for Agribusiness

The purpose of this report is to emphasize the importance of water and agriculture. It is also to urge the need for distinct agriculture water policies and strategies. This is in particular for Agricultural Water Services to ensure water adequacy and productivity for the Agriculture sector as well as for a harmonised national water resources management with all other sectors. It is also for water, energy and food security management and ultimately, for sustainable development and wealth creation.

For further information, please click: (English)


Mali: National Water Policy

Adopted by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 22 February 2006, the National Water Policy of Mali aims to promote more synergy and coherence in public and private investments and to establish close collaboration among various stakeholders, including development partners in the field of water resources management.

The report can be accessed from the link given below: National Water Policy (French)

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Water Replacement and Reuse Policy, Ministry of Water and Irrigation

To view the policy, please click (Arabic)

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Water Sector Policy for Draught Management, the Ministry of Water & Irrigation

To view the policy, please click (English)

The National Water Strategy:

The National Water Strategy 2016-2025 is a national cross-sectoral document, as it is focused on building a resilient sector based on a unified approach for a comprehensive social, economic and environmentally water sector development.

To view the Strategy, please click (Arabic)

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia developed a unified framework for the Saudi water sector that includes a comprehensive water strategy and integrates directions, policies, regulations and practices in the water sector at the national level, with the principal objective of addressing the key challenges and restructuring the sector.

  • National Water Strategy 2030 (Arabic)
  • Unified Strategic Map of the Environment, Water and Agriculture Systems (Arabic)

For more information please visit http://mewa.gov.sa/

The Republic of Niger

Upon proposal of the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation of the Republic of Niger, the National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management, PANGIRE Niger, was adopted by decree on 09 May 2017.

The PANGIRE outlines the national framework for water resources management and constitutes the operational tool for implementing the National Water Policy. It also enables a better integration of the planned actions of the various sectoral and inter-sectoral water strategies and programmes.

The document can be accessed from the link given below: (French)


National Water Policy

Adopted in August 2010 by the Togolese government, the National Water Policy is a core document that encourages the adoption of new practices leading sustainability. The document sets the Vision, Objectives, Principles, Strategic Orientations, etc. in national and sectoral levels. The National Water Policy document aims at setting orientations to overcome challenges and take action in planning, mobilizing and sustainably developing water resources, thus making the water sector a true lever for sustainable development.

For further information, please click here


Pakistan Water Sector Strategy, Ministry of Water Resources in Pakistan

This document covers the water sector in all its sub-sectors of: Water Resources Development, Urban Water Supply and Sanitation, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Industrial Water Supply and Pollution Control, Irrigation and Drainage, Hydropower, the Environment and Flood Protection.

As 95% of Pakistan’s water resources are used for agricultural purposes, the role of the agriculture sector is also discussed extensively in this report, with recommendations and a proposed strategy for a closer relationship with the water sector. The Strategy and Medium Term Investment Plan (MTIP) emphasize institutional, management and financial matters as well as infrastructure. It prioritizes equity in water allocation, improving and maintaining the quality of water, the conservation of the country's water resources and the need for efficiency and financial sustainability in water service delivery. It promotes an integrated approach to water sector development and participation of all stakeholders in decision making.

To view the strategy, please click (English)

Pakistan National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy

The National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy (DRR) provides an overall guiding framework for addressing the high levels of disaster risk permeating Pakistani Society. It covers both natural and man-made hazards. The policy seeks to promote priority measures to ameliorate already existing vulnerability to hazards, and equally important measures to ensure future development processes and programmes strengthen resilience. The policy serves as a guiding framework for both DRR and relevant development plans and programmes to focus attention upon priority issues.

To view the Policy, please click (English)


Law No. (33) of 2002 regarding water, Issued by the Presidency of the Republic of Yemen on August 31, 2002