Success story on reducing conflict and preserving water – continuation within the Green Central Asia Initiative

Venue : Uzbekistan  

The ‘National Policy Framework for Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan’ programme was a part of the Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office and co-financed by the European Union. Within this project for Uzbekistan, best European practice based on the EU Water Framework Directive was disseminated.

The programme brought together GIZ’s worldwide experience in supporting integrated water resources management and the expertise of its partner organisations, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the Council for Research and Economics in Agriculture (CREA) and the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt). This programme component cooperated closely with the UNDP-led second component on technical capacity building for water practitioners at the grass-roots level. A National Working Group consisting of all national stakeholders active in the water sector was supported with recommendations, policy packages, capacity building and other measures tailor-made for the country’s needs and contributed to improved water governance based on European / international standards.

To view the project, please visit (English)